Showing results 1 - 20 out of 246
Herbst M, Kerpen NB, Schoonees T, Schlurmann T. Full-scale experimental study on wave impacts at stepped revetments. Coastal engineering. 2025 May 15;198:104705. Epub 2025 Jan 27. doi: 10.1016/j.coastaleng.2025.104705
Kamperdicks L, Lattuada M, O Corcora T, Schlurmann T, Paul M. Enhancing seagrass restoration success: Detecting and quantifying mechanisms of wave-induced dislodgement. Science of the Total Environment. 2025 Jan 10;959:178055. Epub 2024 Dec 21. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2024.178055
Michalzik J, Paul M, Schlurmann T. Response of grass covers for dikes to coastal stressors during establishment phase. Ecological engineering. 2025 Feb;212:107488. Epub 2024 Dec 12. doi: 10.1016/j.ecoleng.2024.107488
Sahoo S, Singha C, Govind A, Moghimi A. Review of climate-resilient agriculture for ensuring food security: Sustainability opportunities and challenges of India. Environmental and Sustainability Indicators. 2025 Feb;25:100544. Epub 2024 Nov 28. doi: 10.1016/j.indic.2024.100544
Ahmadivostakolaei M, Ranjgar B, Moghimi A, Izadi MS. A study of the impact of urban spaces on social resilience in case of natural disasters: Insights from citizens affected by March 2019 flood in Aq Qala City, Iran. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction. 2024 Oct 15;113:104862. Epub 2024 Oct 4. doi: 10.1016/j.ijdrr.2024.104862
Fathi M, Shah-Hosseini R, Moghimi A, Arefi H. MHRA-MS-3D-ResNet-BiLSTM: A Multi-Head-Residual Attention-Based Multi-Stream Deep Learning Model for Soybean Yield Prediction in the U.S. Using Multi-Source Remote Sensing Data. Remote sensing. 2024 Dec 31;17(1):107. doi: 10.3390/rs17010107
Gundlach J, Herbst M, Alex AS, Zorndt A, Jordan C, Visscher J et al. Simulating the near-field dynamic plume behavior of disposed fine sediments. Frontiers in Marine Science. 2024 Aug 27;11:1416521. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2024.1416521
Huang K, Hu Z, Liu Z, Paul M, Xu T, Suzuki T. Pinpointing the role of wave period in vegetation induced wave attenuation. Coastal engineering. 2024 Oct;193:104568. Epub 2024 Jul 4. doi: 10.1016/j.coastaleng.2024.104568
Kerpen NB, Larsen BE, Schlurmann T, Paul M, Guler HG, Goral KD et al. Microplastic retention in marine vegetation canopies under breaking irregular waves. Science of the Total Environment. 2024 Feb 20;912:169280. Epub 2023 Dec 19. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.169280
Khankeshizadeh E, Mohammadzadeh A, Mohsenifar A, Moghimi A, Pirasteh S, Feng S et al. Building detection in VHR remote sensing images using a novel dual attention residual-based U-Net (DAttResU-Net): An application to generating building change maps. Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment. 2024 Nov;36:101336. Epub 2024 Sept 2. doi: 10.1016/j.rsase.2024.101336
Khankeshizadeh E, Tahermanesh S, Mohsenifar A, Moghimi A, Mohammadzadeh A. FBA-DPAttResU-Net: Forest burned area detection using a novel end-to-end dual-path attention residual-based U-Net from post-fire Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 images. Ecological indicators. 2024 Oct;167:112589. Epub 2024 Sept 13. doi: 10.1016/j.ecolind.2024.112589
Landmann J, Flack C, Kowalsky U, Wüchner R, Hildebrandt A, Goseberg N. Hydrodynamic coefficients of mussel dropper lines derived from large-scale experiments and structural dynamics. Journal of Ocean Engineering and Marine Energy. 2024 Feb;10:175-192. Epub 2023 Nov 28. doi: 10.1007/s40722-023-00306-w
Lepper R, Jänicke L, Hache I, Jordan C, Kösters F. Exploring the tidal response to bathymetry evolution and present-day sea level rise in a channel–shoal environment. Ocean science. 2024 Jun 11;20(3):711-723. doi: 10.5194/os-20-711-2024
Meyer J, Windt C, Hildebrandt A, Schlurmann T. Mechanically coupled wave farms: On the accuracy of a mid-fidelity hydrodynamic model under consideration of varying calibration approaches. Ocean engineering. 2024 Aug 1;305:117874. Epub 2024 Apr 24. doi: 10.1016/j.oceaneng.2024.117874
Meyer J, Grotebrune T, Wynants M, Hildebrandt A, Schlurmann T. The Influence of Wave Diffraction on the Motion of a Crew Transfer Vessel Behind a Monopile. In Proceedings of ASME 2024 43rd International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering: Ocean Engineering. Vol. 5A. 2024. v05at06a013 doi: 10.1115/omae2024-123620
Moghimi A, Welzel M, Celik T, Schlurmann T. A Comparative Performance Analysis of Popular Deep Learning Models and Segment Anything Model (SAM) for River Water Segmentation in Close-Range Remote Sensing Imagery: English. IEEE ACCESS. 2024 Apr 5;12:52067-52085. doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2024.3385425
Moghimi A, Singha C, Fathi M, Pirasteh S, Mohammadzadeh A, Varshosaz M et al. Hybridizing genetic random forest and self-attention based CNN-LSTM algorithms for landslide susceptibility mapping in Darjiling and Kurseong, India. Quaternary Science Advances. 2024 Jun;14:100187. Epub 2024 Apr 18. doi: 10.1016/j.qsa.2024.100187
Moghimi A. Junior Editorial Board Member for The Photogrammetric Record. The photogrammetric record. 2024 Jun 1.
Moghimi A, Sadeghi V, Mohsenifar A, Celik T, Mohammadzadeh A. LIRRN: Location-Independent Relative Radiometric Normalization of Bitemporal Remote-Sensing Images. Sensors. 2024 Apr 2;24(7):2272. doi: 10.3390/s24072272
Pfennings K, Hoffmann TK, Hitzegrad J, Paul M, Goseberg N, Wehrmann A. Beyond annual metrics: Linking seasonal population dynamics to vertical oyster reef growth. Ecology and evolution. 2024 Sept;14(9):e70238. doi: 10.1002/ece3.70238
Alte Datenbank (1980 - 2018)
Artikel in Fachzeitschriften
(2018): Wave Impact Pressures on Stepped Revetments, J. Mar. Sci. Eng. 2018, 6, 156 More info
DOI: doi:10.3390/jmse6040156 -
(2018): Processes and evolution of scour around a monopile induced by tidal currents, Coastal Engineering, Vol. 139, pp. 65-84 More info
(2017): Generation and propagation of ship-borne waves - Solutions from a Boussinesq-type model, Coastal Engineering | File |
DOI: 10.1016/j.coastaleng.2017.07.001
ISBN: 0378-3839 -
(2017): Energy Dissipation Within the Wave Run-Up at Stepped Revetments, J. Ocean Univ. China (2017) 16: 649 More info
DOI: 10.1007/s11802-017-3355-z -
ISBN: 0122-9761 -
(2017): Influence of reversing currents on the erosion stability and bed degradation of widely graded grain material, International Journal of Sediment Research, Vol. 33, pp. 68-83. More info
DOI: -
(2016): Erosion stability of wide-graded quarry-stone material under unidirectional current, Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engineering. Vol. 142(3), DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)WW.1943-5460.0000321 | File |
(2016): Stabilität von modularen Deckwerksmatten aus Normal- und Schwerbeton unter Wellenlasten, Wasserwirtschaft, Ausgabe 10/2016, Print ISSN: 0043-0978, Elektronische ISSN: 2192-8762 More info
DOI: 10.1007/s35147-016-0153-2 -
(2015): Experimental Study on the Erosion Stability of Coarse Grain Materials under Waves , Journal of Marine Science and Technology, Taiwan, Vol. 23, No. 6, pp. 937-942.
DOI: 10.6119/JMST-015-0610-12 -
(2014): Velocity and turbulence measurements at the Ems barrage, Die Küste Archiv für Forschung und Technik an der Nord- und Ostsee - Archive for research and technology on the North Sea and Baltic Coast Modellierung der Küstengewässer in Deuschland - Leistungsfähigkeit und Anwendungsbeispiele Models of Coastal Waters in Germany - Performance and Application Examples ; KFKI (2014), Heft 81, pp.55-67; BAW Karlsruhe | File |
(2014): Messdatenbasierte Empfehlungen von Wind- und Wellenparametern für die Auslegung von Offshore-Windenergieanlagen, Bautechnik 91 (2014), Heft 8, pp. 533-542 More info
(2014): Numerical and Experimental Modeling of Scour at Foundation Structures for Offshore Wind Turbines, Journal of Ocean and Wind Energy (ISSN 2310-3604), The International Society of Offshore and Polar Engineers Vol. 1, No. 2, May 2014, pp. 82–89.
(2013): Risk reduction at the ‘‘Last-Mile’’: an attempt to turn science into action by the example of Padang, Natural Hazard, 65:915–945 More info
(2013): Scattering of the mean overtopping discharge along a crest at dykes with topped vertical wall, ICE Conferences - Coast, Marine Structures and Breakwaters 2013, 1336-1345 More info
DOI: 10.1680/fsts.59757.145
ISBN: 978-0-7277-5975-7 -
(2013): Reduction of maximum tsunami run-up due to the interaction with beachfront development – application of single sinusoidal waves, Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci. Discuss., 1, pp. 1119-1171, doi:10.5194/nhessd-1-1119-2013 More info
(2013): Reduction of maximum tsunami run-up due to the interaction with beachfront development – application of single sinusoidal waves, Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 13, 2991-3010, doi:10.5194/nhess-13-2991-2013 More info
(2013): Laboratory-scale generation of tsunami and long waves, Coastal Engineering, 79, pp 57-74 More info
(2012): Wellenbrechen an Offshore Tripod-Gründungen – Versuche und Simulationen im Vergleich zu Richtlinien, Bautechnik 89 (2012), Heft 5, pp. 301-308 More info
(2012): Kolkbildung an komplexen Gründungsstrukturen für Offshore-Windenergieanlagen - Untersuchungen zu Tripod-Gründungen in der Nordsee, Bautechnik 89 (2012), Heft 5, pp. 293-300, More info
(2011): Fließcharakteristik und Sauerstoffeintrag bei selbstbelüfteten Gerinneströmungen auf Kaskaden mit gemäßigter Neigung, Österreichische Wasser- und Abfallwirtschaft, 63 (3‐4), pp. 76‐81 More info
(2011): Developing flow in skimming flow regime on embankment stepped spillways, Journal of Hydraulic Research, 49(5), pp. 639‐648 More info
(2011): The Capacity Building programmes of GITEWS - Visions, Goals, Lessons Learned, and Re-iterated Needs and Demands, Natural Hazards and Earth System Science (NHESS), 11 (2), pp. 293-300 | File |
(2011): The influence of hydrodynamic boundary conditions on characteristics, migration, and associated sand transport of sand dunes in a tidal environment , Ocean Dynamics: Volume 61, Issue 10 (2011), Page 1629-1644 More info
(2010): Life-Cycle Engineering für Küstenbauwerke und Hafeninfrastrukturen, HANSA – International Maritim Journal, ISSN 0017-7504, 147. Jahrgang, 10 (2010), Hamburg, S. 120-123 | File |
(2010): Quantification of phase shift in the simulation of shallow water waves, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, Volume 62, Issue 12
(2010): Einsatz von Küstenschutzelementen aus Eisensilikat-Beton, HANSA International Maritime Journal, Ausgabe 03
(2010): Jejak tsunami 25 Oktober 2010 di Kepulauan Mentawai berdasarkan penelitian kebumian dan wawancara, Jurnal Lingkungan dan Bencana Geologi, Vol. 1 No. 3 Desember 2010: 165 - 181 | File |
(2009): Enhanced hazard mapping on a medium-resolved numerical grid for the city of Padang, West Sumatra, Journal of ship technology, Vol. 5, Nr. 2, S. 13-21, 2. Juli 2009
(2009): Last-Mile preparation to a potential disaster - Interdisciplinary approach towards tsunami early warning and an evacuation information system for the coastal city of Padang, Indonesia, Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences (NHESS), VOl. 9, Nr. 4, S. 1509-1528, 28. August 2009 More info
(2009): Effizienter Betrieb von Membranreaktoren: CFD-Simulation von Membrananlagen, wwt wasserwirtschaft wassertechnik, Special 7-8/09 Membrantechnik, pp. 16-19 More info
(2009): Risikobewertung und Risikomanagement, HANSA – International Maritime Journal, 146, Nr. 4, pp. 101-104
(2008): On the Recovery of the Free Surface from the Pressure within Periodic Travelling Water Waves, Journal of Nonlinear Mathematical Physics, Vol. 15, 2, pp. 50-57
(2008): Flow structures in MBR-tanks, Water Science & Technology, Vol. 57.5, pp. 699-705, IWA Publishing, London UK More info
(2008): Risikobewertung und -management in der Katastrophenvorsorge, Notfallvorsorge, Walhalla Verl., Nr. 4, pp. 22-24
(2005): Time-frequency analysis methods in Hydrology and Hydraulic Engineering, Habilitationsschrift, Fachbereich D - Bauingenieurwesen, Bergische Universität Wuppertal
(2005): Forschungsansätze zur Erstellung eines Tsunami-Frühwarnsystems im Indischen Ozean. , Mitgliederrundbrief des Landesverbands Hessen, Rheinland-Pfalz und Saarland der Deutschen Vereinigung für Wasserwirtschaft, Abwasser und Abfall (DWA)
(2005): Carrier and Riding Wave Structure of Rogue Waves. Chapter 2 in: Hilbert-Huang Transforms in Engineering Application, Norden Huang and Nii Attoh-Okine, pp. 29-58, CRC press, USA
(2004): Präventives Risiko- und Küstenschutzmanagement als Reaktion auf den Klimawandel, HTG-Jahrbuch, S. 229-240, Hamburg, 1. Oktober 2004
(2004): Überflutungsschäden im Küstenhinterland nach Deichbruch, Wasserwirtschaft, Wiesbaden
(2004): Veränderungen der Seegangsbedingungen an den Küsten von Jade und Weser als Folge der Klimaänderung, Coastal Reports, H. 1
(2004): Performance and Limitations of the Hilbert-Huang Transformation with Short Application to Irregular Water Waves, Ocean Engineering, Elsevier Science Ltd., Vol. 31 (14-15), pp. 1783-1834
(2004): Probability Distribution of Wave Force on Pipelines Near a Sloping Boundary Parallel and Normal to Wave Direction, Coastal Engineering Journal (CEJ), Japan Society of Civil Engineers (JSCE), World Scientific, Vol. 46 (1). pp. 93-117
(2004): Die Auswirkungen einer Klimaänderung auf das Küstenschutzsystem an der Unterweser, Klimawandel und Küste - Die Zukunft der Unterweserregion, Hrsg. B. Schuchard, M. Schirmer, Springer, Heidelberg
(2003): Sicherheit der deutschen Nordseeküste bei Sturmflut, Unimagazin, H.1/2, S. 20 -23, Hannover
(2003): Neue Verfahren zur Abschätzung von seltenen Sturmflutwasserständen, HANSA-Schiffahrt-Schiffbau-Hafen, H. 11, S. 68 - 78
(2002): RISK - Risikoinformationssystem Küste, Jahrbuch der Hafenbautechnischen Gesellschaft, 53. Band, Hamburg | File |
(2002): GIS-gestützte Schadenpotential- und Risikoanalyse an der niedersächsischen Küste, Geographische Rundschau, H. 12, Braunschweig | File |
(2002): Spectral Frequency Analysis of Nonlinear Water Waves derived from the Hilbert-Huang Transformation, Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering (JOMAE), American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Vol. 124 (1), pp. 22-2
(2001): Minimizing Transverse Flow Effects on Passing Ships at Inland Waterways, Proceedings of the 2001 World Water & Environmental Resources Congress, Orlando, USA | File |
(2001): Bewertung von Küstenschutzmaßnahmen am Beispiel der Hafenstaft Bremerhaven, Tagungsband der 68. Tagung der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Nordwestdeutscher Geologen, Bremerhaven | File |
(2001): Seegang über Vorländern, HANSA-Schiffahrt-Schiffbau-Hafen, Jg. 138, H. 5
(2001): Sturmflutgefährdung der Hafenstadt Bremerhaven: Eine Risikoanalyse, Tagungsband der 18. Jahrestagung des Arbeitskreis Meere und Küsten, Vechta, Vechtaer Studien zur Angewandten Geographie und Regionalwissenschaft, Bd. 22 | File |
(2001): Polder an der tidebeeinflussten Küste - Naturschutz versus Küstenschutz, Bamberger Geographische Schriften, H. 20 | File |
(2001): Entscheidungsunterstützung im Sturmflutschutz durch Risikoanalyse, Wasser & Boden, H. 12 | File |
(2001): BaSIS - Bauwerks- und Seegangsinformationssystem, ESRI-Newsletter, arcaktuell, H. 2 | File |
(2001): Designing and maintaining weir structures , STAR-CD Dynamics, Newsletter, Issue 16, 2001, 1. Dezember 2001
(2000): Effects from Supercritical Ship Operation on Inland Canals, Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engineering, Vol. 126 No. 3, Reston, United States of America | File |
(2000): Seegangsbedingungen und Wellenüberlauf an der geplanten Kaianlage JadePort, Wilhelmshaven, HANSA-Schiffahrt-Schiffbau-Hafen, Nr. 11
(2000): Seegang in der Weser vor Bremerhaven - Ein Vergleich von Naturmessung und numerischer Simulation, HANSA-Schiffahrt-Schiffbau-Hafen, Jg. 137, H. 9
(2000): GIS-Technologie - Einsatzmöglichkeiten in Wasserbau und Küsteningenieurwesen, HANSA, Vol. 137, H. 3, S. 77-81 | File |
(2000): The Empirical Mode Decomposition and the Hilbert Spectra to analyze embedded characteristic oscillations of extreme waves, Rogue Waves, Eds.: M. Olagnon & G. Athanassoulis, Editions Ifremer, pp. 157-165
(1999): Grenzen der Einsatzmöglichkeiten Schneller Binnenschiffe, Binnenschiffahrt - ZfB, Hefte 4 - 6, Schiffahrts-Verlag 'Hansa', Hamburg, Deutschland
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(1999): Küstenschutz an der Unterweser vor dem Hintergrund von Naturraum und Nutzung, Bremer Beiträge zur Geographie und Raumplanung , H. 35, S. 109-127 | File |
(1998): Wirkung von Lahnungen im Küstenvorfeld, Hansa - Schiffahrt-Schiffbau-Hafen, Nr. 10
(1998): Defizite und Maßnahmen für den Hinterlandverkehr mit Container auf Binnenschiffen und Wasserstraßen - Deficits and necessary improvements of Container Transport for Inland Navigation, BMBF-Projekt
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(1998): Analyse von Küstenschutzsystemen unter Risikoaspekten, HANSA-Schifffahrt-Schiffbau-Hafen, Nr. 6 | File |
(1997): Wasserwirtschaft als Grundelement einer Flusslandschaft am Beispiel Elbe, Arbeitsmaterial der Akademie für Raumforschung und Landesplanung am Beispiel Elbe, Nr. 239
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(2018): Large scale experiments to improve monopile scour protection design adapted to climate change – methodology and first results, Proc. of the 5th IAHR Europe Congress, 12-14. June 2018, Trento, Italy
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(2018): Design and operation of a new small-scale wave-current flume, Proceedings of the 9th Chinese-German Joint Symposium on Hydraulic and Ocean Engineering, CGJOINT 2018, NCKU Tainan, Taiwan
(2018): Findings on scouring and wind-wave correlation for OWEC design recommendations and offshore operations, Offshore Wind R&D Conference 2018 - Bremerhaven, 14.11. - 16.11.2018
(2018): Effects of Wave Load on the Long-Term Vegetation Development and its Resistance as Grass Revetments on Sea Dikes, Proceedings of the 36th International Conference on Coastal Engineering (ICCE2018), Baltimore, Maryland, USA, July 30 - August 3, 2018
(2018): Development of an Outdoor Wave Basin for Long-Term Model Tests with Real Vegetation for Green Coastal Infrastructures, Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on the Application of Physical Modelling in Coastal and Port Engineering and Science (Coastlab18), Santander Spain, May 22-26, 2018
(2018): Einfluss von Wellenbelastung auf die Entwicklung der Widerstandskraft von Grasdeckwerken, 8th CoastDoc Workshop 2018, Leichtweiß Institut der Technischen Universität Braunschweig (LWI), 26.-28. September 2018 in Braunschweig
(2018): Physical modelling of tidal current induced scouring processes: Influence of flow generation techniques and scaling effects, Proceedings of the 9th Chinese-German Joint Symposium on Hydraulic and Ocean Engineering, CGJOINT 2018, NCKU Tainan, Taiwan
(2018): marTech - Development of Renewable Maritime Technologies for Reliable and Sustainable Energy Supply, Proceedings of the 9th Chinese-German Joint Symposium on Hydraulic and Ocean Engineering, CGJOINT 2018, NCKU Tainan, Taiwan
(2018): Influence of Structural Design on Scour Development around Jacket-Type Offshore Foundations, Proceedings of the 9th Chinese-German Joint Symposium on Hydraulic and Ocean Engineering, CGJOINT 2018, NCKU Tainan, Taiwan
(2017): 3D CFD simulations in comparisson to large scale tests for various types of breaking waves - Capabilities and limitations, IEA Wind task 11 - Topical Expert Meeting, 6th-8th of September, Edinburgh - Scotland
(2017): Bewegungsprognose von schwimmenden Strukturen im Seegang mittels physikalischer und numerischer Modellierung, Seminar Strömungs- und Energietechnik, 12. Januar 2017, Universität Rostock
(2017): Entwicklung innovativer Monitoringverfahren und -empfehlungen für „grüne“ Seedeiche und Deckwerke mittels großskaliger Modellversuche, EcoMeetIng 2017 am Forschungszentrum Küste (FZK) – Hannover, 9.-10. März 2017
(2017): The SeaArt Project, 4th TWINSEA Workshop Bali, Indonesia, March 31st, 2017
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(2016): Physikalische und numerische Modellierungen für Offshore-technische Untersuchungen, Gesellschaft für Maritime Technik e.V. – 14.09.2016
(2016): Blaue Nutzflächen - Potentiale, absehbare Auswirkungen und Konflikte der Meeresnutzung, Ringvorlesung „Ozean und Meere“ – 10. November 2016, Technische Universität Braunschweig
(2016): Mariner Wasserbau zur zuverlässigen Energieversorgung in Nord- und Ostsee, Nürnberger Wasserbau-Symposium, 15.12.2016
(2016): Herausforderung Kolkbildung, Fachkonferenz "Offshore Wind Solutions MV", Innovationen für Offshore-Wind aus Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Fraunhofer AGP Rostock
(2016): Effects of obliquely opposing and following currents on wave propagation in a new 3D wave-current basin, European Geoscience Union (EGU) 2016, Austria Center Vienna, Vienna, Austria, More info
(2016): Ecological Friendly Coastal Dikes and Revetments for Coastal Protection, TwinSea-Workshop, Ludwig-Franzius-Institut der Leibniz Universität Hannover (LuFI), 08. Dezember 2016 in Hannover
(2016): Energy Dissipation within the Wave Run-Up at Stepped Revetments, 21. KFKI - Seminar, 10.11.2016, DSM Bremerhaven | File |
(2016): SeaArt: Project Introduction, TwinSea-Workshop, Ludwig-Franzius-Institut der Leibniz Universität Hannover (LuFI), 08. Dezember 2016 in Hannover
(2016): Numerical and Experimental stability prediction for a floating offshore installation, 2nd DualSPHysics Users Workshop Manchester, 6th-7th December 2016
(2015): Tätigkeitsfelder in der Offshore-Technik zur Nutzung der Meere, Wasserbauseminar des Leichtweiß-Instituts, 20.05.2015, Technische Universität Braunschweig
(2015): Einsatzfelder von 3D-Laserscannern im hydraulischen Versuchswesen, BAW Workshop Wasserbauliches Versuchswesen - "Messtechniken und Auswertemethoden im Wasserbaulichen Versuchslabor" | File |
(2015): Auswirkungen einer schräg gleich- oder entgegengesetzt zur Wellenrichtung laufenden Strömung auf die Wellenausbreitung und Wellenhöhe in einem neuen 3D-Wellen-Strömungsbecken (Seegangsbelastungen), 20. KFKI-Seminar, Deutsches Schifffahrtsmuseum, Bremerhaven, Germany, More info
(2015): Influence of a monopile structure on multidirectional wave forces and scour development in combination with tidal current conditions, Offshore Wind R&D Conference 2015 - Bremerhaven, 13.10. - 15.10.2015
(2015): Stabilitätsuntersuchungen von modularen Deckwerksmatten aus hochdichtem ESG-Beton, Tagungsband zum Kongress der Hafentechnischen Gesellschaft e.V. 2015 in Bremen
(2014): Hydrodynamic wave loads, influence of structure response and relevance for floating structures, IEA R&D Wind Task 11 Workshop, 28.-29.04.2014, Las Palmas
(2014): Numerical and in-situ investigations of feasability studies of reinstatement work for the port of Dagebüll, 7th Chinese-German Joint Symposium on Hydraulic and Ocean Engineering (CGJoint 2014), Franzius-Institute für Hydraulic, Estuarine and Coastal Engineering, Leibniz Universität Hannover
(2014): Erosion stability of wide-graded quarry-stone material under stationary current., 5th CoastDoc Workshop, Center for Marine Environmental Sciences (MARUM), Universität Bremen
(2014): Experimental study on the erosion stability of coarse grain materials under waves., 7th Chinese-German Joint Symposium on Hydraulic and Ocean Engineering (CGJoint 2014), Franzius-Institute für Hydraulic, Estuarine and Coastal Engineering, Leibniz Universität Hannover
(2014): Experimental study on the performance of coarse grain materials as scour protection, International Conference on Coastal Engineering (ICCE) 2014, Seoul, Korea
(2013): In-situ Messungen im Testfeld alpha ventus und in Ästuaren, DVW Geodätentag, 07. Juni, Norderney
(2013): Numerical Modeling of Wave Slamming on a Tripod Structure with the VOF Method, 5th International Conference on Computational Methods in Marine Engineering (Marine), 29.-31.05., Hamburg
(2013): New 3D-Wave-Basin in Hannover, Enhancements and Exemplary Hydraulic Model Tests , 4th CoastDoc Workshop, Franzius-Intitute for Hydraulic, Waterways and Coastal Engineering, Hanover, Germany
(2013): Experimental study on scour protection potential of coarse grain materials , 4th CoastDoc Workshop, Franzius-Institute für Hydraulic, Estuarine and Coastal Engineering, Leibniz University Hannover
(2013): Focused Wave evolution in intermediate water depth using first and second order wave-maker theory, 23rd International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, Anchorage, USA
(2013): Experimentelle und Numerische Untersuchungen zur Kolkbildung an Offshore-Windenergieanlagen (am Beispiel einer Tripod-Gründung) , Forum Geotechnik – Wasserbauliches Kolloquium der TUHH, Hamburg, November 2013
(2013): Mikro- und mesoskalige Prozesse der Sedimentmobilisierung, -ströme und -depositionen infolge des Betriebs von Offshore-Windenergieanlagen, Küstentagung 2013 - Küstenforschung, Küstennutzung, Küstenschutz, HZG, Hamburg
(2012): Entwicklung eines monitoringbasierten Life-Cycle-Engineerings für die Boden-Fluid-Bauwerk-Wechselwirkungen bei Kaianlagen, 8. Kolloquium 'Bauen in Boden und Fels', Technische Akademie Esslingen, 17.-18.01.2012, Tagungsband-CD, 2012 | File |
(2012): Reale Strukturbelastungen aus Seegang und Simulation maximaler Einwirkungen infolge brechender Wellen im Labor, 6. GIGAWIND-Symposium zum Projektabschluss GIGAWIND alpha ventus, Hannover, 22. März 2012
(2012): Ermittlung mittlerer Überlaufmengen an Sturmflutschutzwänden auf Deichen und auf ebener Sohle aus Seegang, Tagungsband zum Tag des Franzius-Instituts 2012, Franzius-Institut für Wasserbau und Küsteningenieurwesen, Hannover | File |
(2012): Feldmessungen und hydronumerische Untersuchung zur Verschlickungsproblematik des Hafens Juist , Tagungsband zum Tag des Franzius-Instituts 2012, Franzius-Institut für Wasserbau und Küsteningenieurwesen, Hannover More info
(2012): Experimental study on erosion potentials and nearbed transport processes of coarse grain materials, The 6th Chinese-German Joint Symposium on Hydraulic and Ocean Engineering (JOINT 2012), National Taiwan Ocean University, Keelung. Sep 23-29
(2012): Kolkbildung an OWEA-Strukturen und ihr Einfluss auf das Tragverhalten, 6. GIGAWIND-Symposium zum Projektabschluss GIGAWIND alpha ventus, Hannover, 22. März 2012
(2011): Influence of numerical parameters on wave impact simulations of offshore wind turbines, ANSYS Conference & 29. CADFEM user's meeting, Stuttgart, 19.-21. Oktober 2011
(2010): Ergebnisse des Projekts „Last-Mile Evacuation“ - Strömungsanalyse und Überflutungsmodellierung , Tagung der Gesellschaft der Förderer des Franzius-Instituts, Hannover, 11. März 2010
(2010): Long Wave Generation in Physical Modelling, hydralab III Young Researchers Workshop, 04. Februar, Hannover, Germany
(2010): Inundation modeling and hazard mapping at Padang within „Last-Mile - Evacuation“ project, 2nd Padang Consensus Meeting for an official Tsunami Hazard Map, Padang, Indonesia, 12.-13. April 2010
(2010): Physical Modeling and CFD Simulation of Wave Slamming on Offshore Wind Turbine Structures, ANSYS Conference & 28. CADFEM user's meeting, Aachen, 3.-5. November 2010 | File |
(2010): Simulation von Schleusungsvorängen für unterschiedlichen Schiffsabmessungen und Wasserstände in der Schleuse Oslebshause in Bremen, Tagung der Gesellschaft der Förderer des Franzius-Instituts, Hannover, 11. März 2010
(2010): Physical Model Investigations of Pressure Distributions Next to Ships Passing Through a Lock, Chinese-German Joint Symposium on Hydraulic and Ocean Engineering, Tianjin, pp. 514-519 | File |
(2010): Untersuchung von Designparametern für Offshore-Windenergieanlagen mit großmaßstäblichen physikalischen Versuchen, Tag des Franzius-Instituts 2010, Hannover, 11. März 2010 | File |
(2010): Seehafenhinterlandanbindungen über Binnenwasserstraßen in Norddeutschland am Beispiel des Elbe-Seiten-Kanals, Tagung der Gesellschaft der Förderer des Franzius-Instituts, Hannover, 11. März 2010
(2010): Stability of Breakwaters Armored with Heavy Concrete Cubes, 5th Workshop on Water Waves, TU Berlin, Berlin, 31. September 2010 | File |
(2009): Highly resolved tsunami inundation study for Padang, Western Sumatra using a multi-hazard approach, Annual Meeting of the Asia Oceania Geosciences Society 2009, Singapore, 11. August 2009
(2009): Hazard mapping and risk assessment due to tsunami events for the city of Padang / West Sumatra, Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction for Natural Hazards: Putting Research into Practice, UCL, London, 4. November 2009
(2009): Sea Loads on Vertical Cylinder Groups induced by JONSWAP Spectra , 4th Workshop on Water Waves, TU Berlin, Berlin, 01. – 02.10.2009 | File |
(2008): How Non-linear are Linear Waves?, 4th Chinese-German Joint Symposium on Coastal and Ocean Engineering, Darmstadt
(2008): Near shore high-resolution bathymetry and topography data of Padang/Indonesia, INDO-GERMAN WORKSHOP ON RESEARCH ACTIVITIES OF STUDENTS, Department of Ocean Engineering, I.I.T.Madras, Chennai, INDIA , 10. Januar 2008
(2008): Inundation modeling based on hypothetical tsunami scenarios for the city of Padang, West Sumatra within 'Last-mile - Evacuation', ANUGA - Present Applications and Future Potential, 16. September 2008
(2008): Tsunami simulation and hazard mapping within 'Last-mile Evacuation', Seminar at the Water Research Laboratory (WRL), Sydney, 19. September 2008
(2008): Hazard maps and small-scale inundation scenarios for Padang, West Sumatra, International Seminar on Official Tsunami Hazard Map in Padang and International Seminar on Earthquake and Tsunami, Padang, Indonesia, 23. August 2008
(2008): Risk management in tidal rivers on the German Coast, INDO-GERMAN WORKSHOP ON RESEARCH ACTIVITIES OF STUDENTS, Department of Ocean Engineering, I.I.T.Madras, Chennai, INDIA, 10. Januar 2008
(2007): Hochwasser- und Küstenschutz in Bremen: Risikoanalyse und -steuerung, Hochwasser- und Küstenschutz vor dem Hintergrund von Klimawandel und Individualisierung, Kolloquium in Bremen, 23. Mai 2007
(2006): Flood and Risk Management in Estuaries , Mississippi River Seminar, Mississippi Valley Division, Vicksburg, USA, 26. Januar 2006 More info
(2006): Sturmflut- und Hochwasserschutz im Mississippi Delta - Bericht von einem Forschungsaufenthalt, Tagung der Gesellschaft der Förderer des Franzius-Institutes, Hannover, 29. März 2006
(2006): Simulation von Niederschlag und Abfluss für den Hochwasserfall im Tidegebiet der Weser am Beispiel Wümme - Hamme - Lesum, Tagung der Gesellschaft der Förderer des Franzius-Institutes, Hannover, 29. März 2006
(2006): Simulation von Niederschlag und Abfluss in tidebeeinflussten Gewässern am Beispiel des Hochwasseraktionsplans Wümme, GeoForschungsZentrum Potsdam, 18.-19.05.2006 - Tagung der AG Ökohydrologie
(2005): Informationssystem zur Interpretation der Ergebnisse luftgestützter Fernerkundung, Workshop 'Deichmonitoring: Schäden, Schadenserkennung und Sanierung', Franzius-Institut, Hannover, 23. Februar 2005
(2004): Hydraulische Modelluntersuchungen für eine geplante Unterwasserschwelle unter Tideeinfluss im Five Cowrie Creek in Lagos, Nigeria, Tagung der Gesellschaft der Förderer des Franzius-Institutes, Hannover, 16. März 2004
(2002): The Influence of Refraction and Shoaling on Wave Run-Up under Oblique Waves, Proc. 28th Int. Conf. on Coastal Engineering, Cardiff, Wales, 8. Juli 2002
(2001): Naturmessungen zu Deckwerksverformungen aus Wellenbelastung an der Elbe in Hamburg, 3. FZK-Kolloquium, Planung und Auslegung von Anlagen im Küstenraum, Hannover, 29. März 2001 | File |
(2000): Untersuchungen zu den Ursachen von Deckwerksverwerfungen am Nordufer der Elbe im Bereich Nienstedten, Vortragsveranstaltung des Franzius-Instituts, Universität Hannover, 30. März 2000 | File |
(1999): Numerical Simulations of Wave Propagation compared to Physical Modeling, HYDRALAB-Workshop, Hannover, 18. Februar 1999 | File |
(1999): Erhöhung der Widerstandsfähigkeit von Deichbauwerken, 2. FZK-Kolloquium, Hannover, 23. März 1999 | File |
(2018): Role and laboratory adjustment of non-stationary water level and wave steepness on the robustness of wave overtopping estimation, Proceedings of the 9th Chinese-German Joint Symposium on Hydraulic and Ocean Engineering, Tainan, Taiwan, p. 351 - 358.
(2018): Role and laboratory adjustment of non-stationary water level and wave steepness on the robustness of wave overtopping estimation, Proceedings of the 9th Chinese-German Joint Symposium on Hydraulic and Ocean Engineering, Tainan, Taiwan, p. 351 - 358.
(2018): Wave Impact Pressures on Stepped Revetments, Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on the Application of Physical Modelling in Coastal and Port Engineering and Science (Coastlab18), Santander, Spain, May 22-26, 2018. | File |
(2018): Development of an Outdoor Wave Basin for Long-Term Model Tests with Real Vegetation for Green Coastal Infrastructures, Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on the Application of Physical Modelling in Coastal and Port Engineering and Science (Coastlab18), Santander Spain, May 22-26, 2018 | File |
(2018): Experimental study on scour around a pile in multidirectional (spreading) random waves, Scour and Erosion IX: Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Scour and Erosion (ICSE 2018), November 5-8, 2018, Taipei, Taiwan More info
ISBN: 9780367074678 -
(2018): Ökologisch wertvolle Deckschichten für Seedeiche - Stand der Technik, Zielvegetation und aktuelle Untersuchungen, Tagungsband zum 48. Internationalen Wasserbau-Symposium Aachen (IWASA) und 6. Siegener Symposium 'Sicherung von Dämmen, Deichen und Stauanlagen 18.-19. Janurar 2018 | File |
(2018): Wave Overtopping Prediction of Stepped Revetments, 36th Internatioal Conference on Coastal Engineering 2018, Baltimore, Maryland
(2018): Local scour development and global sediment redistribution around a jacket-structure in combined waves and current, Scour and Erosion IX: Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Scour and Erosion (ICSE 2018), November 5-8, 2018, Taipei, Taiwan More info
(2017): Sediment concentration profiles and transport dynamics near the Port of Brisbane, Moreton Bay, Queensland, Engineers Australia and IPENZ, Coasts & Ports 2017 Conference, Cairns, Australia, 2017
(2017): Accounting for ship wake waves on a curvilinear path - Solutions from a Boussinesq-Type model, Proc. of Intl. SCACR Conference, Santander - Spain, 2017
(2017): Abriebuntersuchungen an Deckwerken aus Eisensilikatgestein mittels einer wellendurchgängigen, abschirmenden Wasserkammer, Tagungsband zum Kongress der Hafentechnischen Gesellschaft e. V. 2017 - Duisburg
(2017): Experimentelle Untersuchungen zur Schwimmstabilität und Positionierung einer hybriden OWEA-Gründungsstruktur, Tagungsband zum Kongress der Hafentechnischen Gesellschaft e. V. 2017 - Duisburg
(2016): Loads and dynamic response of a floating wave energy converter due to regular waves from CFD simulations, Proceedings of the ASME 2016 35th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering, OMAE2016, Busan, South Korea
(2016): Field Measurements of Estuarine Circulation in the Yellow River (Huanghe) Estuary, 8th Chinese-German Joint Symposium on Hydraulic and Ocean Engineering, Qingdao, China
(2016): Energy Dissipation within the Wave Run-up at Stepped Revetments, 8th Chinese-German Joint Symposium on Hydraulic and Ocean Engineering, Qingdao, China | File |
(2016): Stepped Revetments - Revisited, Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on the Application of Physical Modelling in Coastal and Port Engineering and Science (Coastlab16), Ottawa, Canada | File |
(2016): Effects of obliquely opposing and following currents on wave propagation in a new 3D Wave-Current basin, 8th Chinese-German Joint Symposium on Hydraulic and Ocean Engineering, Qingdao, China
(2016): Numerical and in-situ investigations of feasability studies of reinstatement work for the port of Dagebüll, ECSA 56 Coastal systems in transition: From a 'natural' to an 'anthropogenically-modified' state | File |
(2016): Processes and effects of reversing currents on the erosion stability of wide-graded grain material, River Sedimentation: Proceedings of the 13th International Symposium on River Sedimentation Stuttgart, Wieprecht et al. (Eds), Taylor & Francis Group, London, CRC Press, pp. 402-410
ISBN: 978-1-138-02945-3 -
(2016): Experimental study on the progression of scour around a monopile in unidirectional and tidal currents, Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on the Application of Physical Modelling in Coastal and Port Engineering and Science (Coastlab16), Ottawa, Canada More info
(2016): Excitation and dynamic responses of Jacket structures in regular waves for offshore installation, Coastal Engineering Proceedings, No. 35, 2016
DOI: -
(2015): Analyse und numerische Simulation der Hydro- und Morphodynamik im Delta des Gelben Flusses, China, Tagungsband zum Kongress der Hafentechnischen Gesellschaft e. V. 2015 – Bremen, Eigenverlag HTG, pp. 153-162
(2015): Numerical modeling of estuarine circulation and morphodynamics in the Yellow River Delta and Bohai Sea, in E-proceedings of the 36th IAHR World Congress. The Hague, The Netherlands
(2015): Untersuchungen zur Hydro- und Morphodynamik bei Wellen-Strömungs-Interaktion anhand physikalischer Modellversuche (3D-Wellen-Strömungsbecken), Tagungsband zum Kongress der Hafentechnischen Gesellschaft e. V. 2015 - Bremen, Eigenverlag HTG, pp. 163-172
(2015): Field measurements for developing a hydro-numerical delta management support tool for the Yellow River (Huang He) estuary, in E-proceedings of the 36th IAHR World Congress. The Hague, The Netherlands
(2015): Experimental Investigations on Wave Transmission at Submerged Breakwater with Smooth and Stepped Slopes , 8th International Conference on Asian and Pacific Coasts (APAC 2015), Proc. Eng. 116, pp. 713-719 | File |
DOI: 10.1016/j.proeng.2015.08.356 -
(2014): Pressure distribution and vortex shedding around a cylinder due to a steep wave at the onset of breaking from physical and numerical modeling, Proceedings of the 24th (2014) International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference (ISOPE), Busan, Korea
(2014): Hydraulische Modellversuche zur Freibordbestimmung an Sturmflutschutzwänden, Tagungsband zum Kongress der Hafentechnischen Gesellschaft e.V. 2014 (ISBN: 978-3-9815800-1-3), nm neumann medien, Berlin, pp. 282-289 | File |
(2014): Experimental Investigations on Wave Overtopping on Stepped Embankments, Application of Physical Modelling to Port and Coastal Protection, Proc. 5th Int. Conf. Coastlab14, Vol.1, Varna, Bulgaria, ISBN: 978-619-90271-1-0, pp. 262-269
(2014): Stepped embankments - accessive water fronts and protection measures, 7th Chinese-German Joint Symposium on Hydraulic and Ocean Engineering, Hannover, Germany.
(2014): Unsicherheiten bei der Bestimmung von Bemessungswasserständen und Kon-zeptionierung eines objektspezifischen Hochwasserschutzmanagements mit standardisiertem Betriebsablauf für das Whitney Museum of American Art in NYC, Technische Universität Dresden, Instutut für Wasserbau und Technische Hydromechanik, Wasserbauliche Mitteilungen Heft 50 - Simulationsverfahren und Modelle für Wasserbau und Wasserwirtschaft | File |
(2014): Unsicherheit und Risiko des Bemessungswasserstandes bei Hochwasserschutzplanungen am Whitney Museum of American Art, NYC, Tagungsband zum Kongress der Hafentechnischen Gesellschaft e.V. 2014 (ISBN: 978-3-9815800-1-3), nm neumann medien, Berlin, pp. 327 - 337 | File |
(2014): Experimental study on the performance of coarse grain materials as scour protection, Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 1(34), structures.58. doi:
(2014): Investigations of Scour at Offshore Wind Turbines by use of Numerical Methods, 7th Chinese-German Joint Symposium on Hydraulic and Ocean Engineering, Hannover, Germany
(2014): Physikalische Modellierung und numerische Simulation lokaler Kolkprozesse an Offshore-Windenergieanlagen, Tagungsband zum Kongress der Hafentechnischen Gesellschaft e.V. 2014 (ISBN: 978-3-9815800-1-3), nm neumann medien, Berlin, pp. 252-262
(2013): Hydrodynamische Belastungsgrößen an Offshore Windenergieanlagen, 9. FZK-Kolloquium - Modellierung im Seebau und Küsteningenieurwesen, FZK, Hannover
(2013): Simulation of Focusing Waves and Local Line Forces due to Wave Impacts on a Tripod Structure, Proceedings of the Twenty-third (2013) International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference (ISOPE), ISBN 978-1-880653-99-9, ISSN 1098-6189, Anchorage, USA
(2013): In-situ Messungen schiffsinduzierter Wellenausbreitung und –reflexionen im Bremer Europahafen, 9. FZK-Kolloquium „Modellierung im Seebau und Küsteningenieurwesen“ am 26.02.2013 in Hannover, ISSN 1610-5249 | File |
(2013): Physikalische Modellierung des Wellenüberlaufs schräger Wellen an Küstenschutzbauwerken, 9. FZK-Kolloquium - Modellierung im Seebau und Küsteningenieurwesen, Forschungszentrum Küste, Hannover, pp. 49-54
(2013): Feldmessungen von Geschwindigkeit und Turbulenz unter Probestaubedingungen am Emssperrwerk, 9. FZK-Kolloquium - Modellierung im Seebau und Küsteningenieurwesen, Forschungszentrum Küste, Hannover
(2013): Physikalische Modelluntersuchungen zur Beurteilung der Lagestabilität von weitgestuftem Steinmaterial, 9. FZK-Kolloquium - Modellierung im Seebau und Küsteningenieurwesen, Forschungszentrum Küste, Hannover | File |
(2013): Numerical and Experimental Modeling of Scour at Foundation Structures for Offshore Wind Turbines, Proceedings of the Twenty-third (2013) International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference (ISOPE), ISBN 978-1-880653-99-9, ISSN 1098-6189, Anchorage
(2013): Kolkentwicklung an Offshore-Strukturen mittels numerischer Modellierung, 9. FZK-Kolloquium - Modellierung im Seebau und Küsteningenieurwesen, ForschungsZentrum Küste, Hannover
(2013): Hydropower development, its implications and changes in hydrology,morphodynamics and ecology: Review and impact assessment fromGermany, Mekong Environmental Symposium, 5th - 7th March, Ho Chi Minh Chity, Vietnam
(2012): Modeling salt intrusion with a semi-implicit Eulerian-Lagrangian Finite-Element Model - A parameter study of the Weser Estuary, 11th International Workshop on Multi-scale (Un)-structured mesh numerical Modelling for coastal, shelf and global ocean dynamics, 29.08.2012, Delft (Niederlande)
(2012): The influence of extreme events on hydrodynamics and salinities in the Weser Estuary in the context of climate impact research, Proceedings of 33rd Conference on Coastal Engineering, Santander, Spain, 2012
(2012): On the reasons of scatter in data for design formula evolution, 6th Chinese-German Joint Symposium on Hydraulic and Ocean Engineering (CGJoint 2012), Keelung, Taiwan | File |
(2012): Breaking Wave Kinematics, Local Pressures, and Forces on a Tripod Support Structure, Proceedings of the International Conference on Coastal Engineering, No. 33 (2012), Santander, Spain
(2012): Incorporation of pre-existing damages into a risk-based life cycle strategy for coastal structures, Proceedings of 33rd Conference on Coastal Engineering, Santander, Spain More info
(2012): Risk-based monitoring, inspection and maintenance framework for coastal structures, Third International Symposium on Life-Cycle Civil Engineering (IALCCE 2012), October 3 to 6, Vienna, Austria | File |
(2012): Investigation of Scour Development underneath offshore gravity foundations during lowering, 4th International Conference on the Application of Physical Modelling to Port and Coastal protection (Coastlab12), 17 to 20 September, Ghent, Belgium | File |
(2012): Wave Overtopping at Vertical Walls and Dykes With Topped Vertical Walls, Proceedings of the Eight International Conference on Coastal and Port Engineering in Developing Countries, Department of Ocean Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai, India, pp. 1542-1549, ISBN: 978-93-80689-06-7.
(2012): Wave overtopping at dykes with topped verticall wall - Impacts of oblique wave attack, Proceedings of 33rd Conference on Coastal Engineering, Santander, Spain, 2012 More info
(2012): A Laboratory Perspective of Long Wave Generation, Proceedings of the Twenty-second (2012) International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, Rhodes, Greece, June 17–22, 2012, (peer-review)
(2012): The potential co-use of aquaculture and offshore wind energy structures, The 6th Chinese-German Joint Symposium on Hydraulic and Ocean Engineering (JOINT 2012), National Taiwan Ocean University, Keelung. Sep 23-29, 2012 | File |
(2012): Interaction of idealized urban infrastructure and long waves during run-up and on-land flow process in coastal regions, Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 1(33), currents.18. doi:10.9753/icce.v33.currents.18 More info
(2012): Wissenschaftliche Modelluntersuchung zur Bestimmung der Bettstabilität von weitgestuftem Steinmaterial unter stationären Strömungsverhältnissen, In Proc: 14. Treffen junger WissenschaftlerInnen an Wasserbauinstituten, Berichte des Lehrstuhls und der Versuchsanstalt für Wasserbau und Wasserwirtschaft TU München, 125
ISBN: 978-3-940476-23-4 -
(2012): Investigations on Scour Development at Tripod Foundations for Offshore Wind Turbines: Modeling and Application , Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 1(33), sediment.90. doi:10.9753/icce.v33.sediment.90. More info
(2012): Precise Determination of Sediment Dynamics Using Low-cost GPS-floaters, IEEE/ION PLANS 2012 Proceedings, April 24-26, Myrtle Beach (peer-review)
(2012): Offshore Wind Turbine Foundations - Hydrodynamic investigations, design, installation and durability of scour protection systems made of geotextile sand-fillled containers, 12th Baltic Sea Geotechnical Conference, Infrastructure in the Baltic Sea Region, Rostock, Deutschland, pp. 310-316, 31.05.-02.06.2012
(2012): Hydraulic Performance of Breakwater Heads Armored with Elements with High-Density Iron-Silicate as Concrete Aggregate, Proceedings of the Eight International Conference on Coastal and Port Engineering in Developing Countries, Department of Ocean Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai, pp. 925-931, ISBN: 978-93-80689-06-7.
(2012): Investigation on wave-breaking probability in deep water, The 6th Chinese-German Joint Symposium on Hydraulic and Ocean Engineering (JOINT 2012), National Taiwan Ocean University, Keelung. Sep 23-29, 2012
(2012): Investigations on scour development around a gravity foundation for offshore wind turbines, Proceedings of the 33rd International Conference on Coastal Engineering, Santander, Spanien, 01.-06. Juli, 2012 More info
(2011): Hydrodynamic characteristics of vertical slotted wall breakwaters, 34th IAHR Congress, Brisbane
(2011): Multiple Nutzung und Co‐Management von Offshore‐Strukturen: Marine Aquakultur und Offshore Windparks, 8. FZK-Kolloquium - Maritimer Wasserbau und Küsteningenieurwesen, Forschungszentrum Küste, Hannover, 10. März 2011
(2011): Non-Intrusive measuring of air-water flow properties in self-aerated stepped spillway flow, 34th IAHR Congress, Brisbane
(2011): Dynamische Belastungen durch brechende Wellen an Tripod-Strukturen aus dem physikalischen und numerischen Modell, 8. FZK-Kolloquium - Maritimer Wasserbau und Küsteningenieurwesen, Forschungszentrum Küste, Hannover, 10. März 2011 | File |
(2011): Ermittlung mittlerer Wellenüberlaufmengen an Sturmflutschutzwänden auf Deichen, 8. FZK-Kolloquium - Maritimer Wasserbau und Küsteningenieurwesen, Forschungszentrum Küste, 10. März 2011, Hannover, S. 63-67 | File |
(2011): Strömungsmessungen zur Bestimmung der Sedimentdynamik im Juister Hafen, 8. FZK-Kolloquium - Maritimer Wasserbau und Küsteningenieurwesen, Forschungszentrum Küste, Hannover, 10. März 2011 | File |
(2011): Erkenntnisse zur Kolkbildung an Tripod OWEA-Tragstrukturen aus dem großskaligen physikalischen Modell und der Natur, 8. FZK-Kolloquium - Maritimer Wasserbau und Küsteningenieurwesen, Forschungszentrum Küste, Hannover, 10. März 2011 | File |
(2011): Investigations on Scour at Tripod Foundation Structures in the German Offshore Test Site alpha ventus, Proceedings of the EWEA Offshore 2011 Conference, Amsterdam, 30. December 2011
(2011): Kolkbildung und Dimensionierung des Kolkschutzes eines OWEA-Schwerkraftfundaments, 8. FZK-Kolloquium - Maritimer Wasserbau und Küsteningenieurwesen, Forschungszentrum Küste, S. 93-104, 10. März 2011, Hannover | File |
(2011): Kolkbildung und Dimensionierung des Kolkschutzsystems eines OWEA Schwerkraftfundaments, HTG-Kongress 2011, 07.-10.09.2011, Würzburg, Veröffentlicht in: Tagungsband HTG-Kongress 2011, Herausgeber: Hafentechnische Gesellschaft e.V., Hamburg
(2011): Modeling salt intrusion into the Weser Estuary using a semi-implicit Eulerian-Lagrangian finite-element approach comparing different advection schemes for salinity calculation , IMUM 2011 - The 10th International Workshop on Multiscale (Un-)structured Mesh Numerical Modelling for coastal, shelf and global ocean dynamics, 22. August 2011
(2011): Aufbau und Kalibrierung eines 3D-hydrodynamisch-numerischen Ästuarmodells zur Abbildung der Salzintrusion in tidebeeinflussten Gewässern unter Berücksichtigung von Klimaszenarien, 8. FZK-Kolloquium - Maritimer Wasserbau und Küsteningenieurwesen, Forschungszentrum Küste, Hannover, 10. März 2011 | File |
(2010): A comparative study of self‐aerated stepped spillway and smooth invert chute flow: The effect of step‐induced macro-roughness, Chinese‐German Joint Symposium on Hydraulic and Ocean Engineering 2010, Tianjin | File |
(2010): Flash flood awareness and prevention in Germany, Workshop on Early Warning for Flash Floods, Czech Hydrometeorological Institute, Prag | File |
(2010): Self-aerated skimming flow on embankment stepped spillways: The effect of additional micro-roughness on energy dissipation and oxygen transfer, 1st European IAHR Congress, Edinburgh More info
(2010): Selbstbelüftete Gerinneströmungen auf Treppenschussrinnen, 15. Deutsches Talsperrensymposium - Talsperren im Wandel, Shaker Verlag, Aachen
(2010): On the Characteristics of Zero-crossing Waves in Model Wave Trains, Chinese-German Joint Symposium on Hydraulic and Ocean Engineering, Tianjin
(2010): Numerical and Experimental Study on Tsunami Run-up and Inundation Influenced by Macro-roughness Elements., Proceedings of 32nd Conference on Coastal Engineering (ICCE), American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)
(2010): Investigations on a cooling water system for a gas turbine facility concerning air vortexes and sediment transport, 3rd International Junior Researcher and Engineer Workshop on Hydraulic Structures (IAHR), Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh More info
(2010): Pressure distribution of a breaking wave on a circular cylinder surface from laboratory experiments, Chinese-German Joint Symposium on Hydraulic and Ocean Engineering, Tianjin
(2010): Konzeptionelle Entwicklung von Ansätzen für ein Lebensdauermanagement von Hafeninfrastrukturen, 12. Treffen der junger WissenschaftlerInnen an Wasserbauinstituten vom 11.-14.08.2010, Mitteilung des Instituts für Wasserbau Heft 193 der Universität Stuttgart, ISBN 978-3-933761-97-2, S. 146-152 | File |
(2010): Physical model investigations of ships passing through a lock, 3rd International Junior Researcher and Engineer Workshop on Hydraulic Structures (IAHR), Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh More info
(2010): Vorversuche zu hydraulischen Modellversuchen zur Ermittlung mittlerer Überlaufmengen an Sturmflutschutzwänden und Deichen, 12. Treffen junger WissenschaftlerInnen an Wasserbauinstituten, Universität Stuttgart, Institut für Wasserbau, Mitteilungen Nr. 193, Stuttgart
(2010): The Java Tsunami Model: Using Highly-Resolved Data to Model the Past Event and to Estimate the Future Hazard, Proceedings of 32nd Conference on Coastal Engineering (ICCE), American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) | File |
(2010): Development and Application of a New Post Processing Environment for Vessel Mounted ADCP Measurements, in Proceedings of the Chinese-German Joint Symposium on Hydraulic and Ocean Engineering 2010 | File |
(2010): Near-Field Tsunami Hazard Map Padang, West Sumatra: Utilizing High Resolution Geospatial Data and Reasonable Source Scenarios, Proceedings of 32nd Conference on Coastal Engineering (ICCE), American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) | File |
(2010): Near-Field Tsunami Hazard Map of Padang, West Sumatra: Utilizing High Resolution Geospatial Data and Reasonable Source Scenario, Proceedings of the International Conference on Coastal Engineering, Shanghai, China (in press)
(2010): Erfassung und Analyse der Wechselwirkungen von Strömungsprozessen und Kolkphänomenen an Offshore Windenergieanlagen, Messen in der Geotechnik 2010, Braunschweig, 18. Februar 2010 | File |
(2010): Physical Modeling of Scour around Tripod Foundation Structures for Offshore Wind Energy Converters, Proceedings of the International Conference on Coastal Engineering, No. 32 (2010), Shanghai, China, Paper 280, 5th July 2010, More info
(2010): Stability of Breakwaters Armored with Cubes with Iron-Silicate Stone as Concrete Aggregate, Chinese-German Joint Symposium on Hydraulic and Ocean Engineering, Tianjin, China, 21. - 27. September 2010 | File |
(2010): Influence of hydrodynamic boundary conditions on dune migration and associated sand transport rates in the Elbe Estuary, 15th Conference on Physics of Estuaries and Coastal Seas (PECS), 14.-17.10.2010, Colombo (Sri Lanka) | File |
(2010): Dune Migration and Sand Transport Rates in Tidal Estauries: The Example of the River Elbe, Proceedings of 32nd Conference on Coastal Engineering (ICCE), American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)
(2009): Feldstudie zur zeitlichen und vertikalen Verteilung sedimentologischer und rheologischer Kenngrößen über den Tidezyklus der Ems, HTG-Kongress 2009, 09.-12.09.2009, Lübeck. Veröffentlicht in: Tagungsband HTG-Kongress 2009, Herausgeber: Hafentechnische Gesellschaft e.V., Hamburg
(2009): Self-aerated skimming flow on embankment stepped spillways, 33rd IAHR Congress – Water Engineering for a Sustainable Environment, Vancouver More info
(2009): Verbundvorhaben 'Last-Mile - Evacuation', Tagungsband 7. FZK Kolloquium 'Potenziale für die maritime Wirtschaft', Hannover, 26. März 2009
(2009): The Last-Mile: Interdisciplinary research towards tsunami early warning and an evacuation information system, Schriftenreihe der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geowissenschaften (SDGG), Heft 63, Oktober 2009
(2009): Last-Mile - Numerical Last-Mile Tsunami Early Warning and Evacuation Information System, GEOTECHNOLOGIEN Science Report. Koordinierungsbüro GEOTECHNOLOGIEN, Hrsg. L.Stroink, No. 13, 12. Oktober 2009
(2009): Research on Support Structures in the German Offshore Wind Farm alpha ventus, Proc. Of the European Wind Energy Conference and Exhibition
(2009): Field data derived from Offshore Wind Energy Converters - Assessment and correlation of dynamic wave , Proceedings of the 33rd IAHR Congress, Vancouver BC, 14. August 2009 | File |
(2009): GIGAWIND alpha ventus - Gesamtkonzept und Teilaspekte, 7. FZK - Kolloquium 'Potenziale für die Maritime Wirtschaft', Hannover, 26. März 2009 | File |
(2009): The July 17, 2006 Java Tsunami: Tsunami Modeling and its Characteristic Modes Based on the Hilbert-Huang Transformation, Congress of the Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS), Singapore
(2009): The July 17, 2006 Java Tsunami: Tsunami Modeling and the Possible Causes of the Extreme Run-up, European Geosciences Union, Session SM4.2/NH6.2: Earthquake and Tsunami Early Warnings
(2009): Flash Flood Awareness and Prevention, 33rd IAHR Congress -Water Engineering for a Sustainable Environment, Vancouver More info
(2009): CFD analysis of MBR-units, Recommendations for system design and operation, Final MBR-Network Workshop hosted by Trade Fair "Wasser Berlin 2009", 31 March - 01 April, Berlin (Germany) - "Salient outcomes of the European R&D projects on MBR technology", Book of Proceedings More info
(2009): Prediction of oxygen transfer in self-aerated skimming flow on embankment stepped spillways, 33rd IAHR Congress - Water Engineering for a Sustainable Environment, Vancouver More info
(2009): 'Last-Mile' Vorbereitungen für ein potentielles Desaster - Interdisziplinäre Forschungsansätze für ein Tsunamifrühwarn- und Evakuierungsinformationssystem für Padang - Indonesien, 10. Forum Katastrophenvorsorge Katastrophen - Datenhintergrund und Informationen, Bonn, 23. November 2009 More info
(2009): Untersuchung von Seegangsbelastungen und Kolken an Offshore-Windenergieanlagen im Testfeld alpha ventus, HTG-Kongress 2009, Lübeck, 11. September 2009 | File |
(2009): Investigations on Scour Development at Offshore Wind Energy Converters in the German Offshore Test Site alpha ventus, Proceedings of the 33rd IAHR Congress, Vancouver BC, 12. August 2009 | File |
(2009): Highly resolved tsunami inundation study for Padang, Western Sumatra using a multi-hazard approach, Schriftenreihe der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Geowissenschaften (SDGG), Heft 63, Oktober 2009
(2008): Bore propagation over a submerged horizontal plate by physical and numerical simulation, Proceedings 31st International Conference on Coastal Engineering, Hamburg, 31. August 2008
(2008): Optimization of the Reaeration Potential on Embankment Stepped Spillways in Skimming Flow Regime, 2nd International Junior Researcher and Engineer Workshop on Hydraulic Structures (IAHR), Department of Civil Engineering, University of Pisa
(2008): On the Scatter in Model Tests on Run-up and Overtopping, 7th Intern. Conference on Coastal and Port Engineering in Developing Countries (PIANC-COPEDEC VI), Dubai
(2008): Relevant factors on the extent of inundation based on Tsunami scenarios for the city of Padang, West Sumatra, Proceedings of the International Conference on Tsunami Warning (ICTW), 12. November 2008
(2008): Emergency Preparedness in the case of a Tsunami - Evacuation Analysis and Traffic Optimization for the Indonesian city of Padang, Pedestrian and Evacuation Dynamics, Proceedings of the 4th international conference, 1. Februar 2008
(2008): Velocity field under propagating waves over a submerged horizontal plate and induced forces, Chinese-German Joint Symposium on Hydraulic and Ocean Engineering, 25. August 2008
(2008): Wave forces on groups of slender cylinders in comparison to an isolated cylinder due to non-breaking waves, Proceedings 31st International Conference on Coastal Engineering, Hamburg, 31. August 2008
(2008): Maßnahmen, Strategien und „Lessons learned“ zur Ausbildung und Schulung von Wissenschaftlern, Partnerorganisationen und der gefährdeten Bevölkerung im Rahmen des Deutsch-Indonesischen Tsunami Frühwarnsystems (GITEWS), Konferenzbeitrag zum 9. Forum Katastrophenvorsorge des DKKV
(2008): Determination of Wave Overtopping Using Neural Network, 4th Chinese-German Joint Symposium on Coastal and Ocean Engineering, Darmstadt
(2007): Optimierung des potentiellen Sauerstoffeintrags auf Treppenschussrinnen mit gemäßigter Neigung, 9. JuWi- Treffen, Beiträge zum Treffen junger Wissenschaftlerinnen und junger Wissenschaftler deutschsprachiger Wasserbauinstitute, Fachgebiet Wasserbau und Wasserwirtschaft, Universität Kassel.
(2007): Analyse großmaßstäblicher Wellenversuche mit schlanken lotrechten Pfahlgruppen, 6. FZK - Kolloquium 'Küstenschutz und Seebau', Hannover, 6. März 2007
(2007): Abschätzung des Risikopotentials im Stadtgebiet von Bremen, 6. FZK-Kolloquium 'Küstenschutz und Seebau' am 07.03.2007 in Hannover
(2007): Flächenhafte Flutwellenausbreitung und anschließende Flutung unterirdischer Bauwerke, Wasserbauliche Mitteilungen, Heft 35, Fünf Jahre nach der Flut, Institut für Wasserbau und Technische Hydromechanik, Technische Universität Dresden
(2007): Schiffsinduzierte Wellen bei der Revierfahrt von Post-Panmax Schiffen am Beispiel des Hafens Stade/Bützfleth, 6. FZK-Kolloquium 'Küstenschutz und Seebau' in Hannover, 7. März 2007
(2007): Hochwasserrisikomanagement am Beispiel Weserästuar, 6. FZK-Kolloquium 'Küstenschutz und Seebau' am 07.03.2007 in Hannover
(2007): Hochwasser- und Küstenschutz vor dem Hintergrund von Klimawandel und Individualisierung, 9. Treffen junger Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler an Wasserbauinstituten, Universität Kassel, 2. August 2007
(2007): Auswirkungen einer Risikosteuerung auf die Wasserstände bei Sturmfluten und extremen Hochwässern im Weserästuar, HTG-Kongress und 55. Mitgliederversammlung der Hafentechnische Gesellschaft e.V., 12.- 15.09.2007, Dresden More info
(2007): Quantifizierung des Hochwasserrisikos für die Stadt Bremen, 25. Jahrestagung des Arbeitskreises 'Geographie der Meere und Küsten' in Hamburg, 26.4.-28.4.2007 More info
(2007): Innovative technologische Lösungsansätze zum Hochwasserschutz vor dem Hintergrund des Klimawandels, 8. Forum Katastrophenvorsorge des DKKV, ausgerichtet von CEDIM und dem DKKV, 16. Oktober 2007 More info
(2007): Control Structures for Flood Risk and Risk Management - Case Studies of Mississippi River Delta and Weser River Estuary , PDCE 2007, 4th International Conference on Port Development & Coastal Environment, Varna, Bulgaria, 26. September 2007
(2006): Overtopping at Vertical Walls and Parapets - Regular Wave Tests for Irregular Simulation, Proc. 1st Intern. Conf. on the Application of Physical Modelling to Port and Coastal Protection (Coastlab06)
(2006): Irregular Wave Overtopping at Vertical Walls - Learning from Regular Wave Tests, Proc. 30th Intern. Conf. on Coastal Engineering, San Diego
(2006): Irregular Wave Overtopping Based on Regular Wave Tests, 3rd Chinese-German Joint Symposium on Coastal and Ocean Engineering, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, China, November 2006
(2006): Group interaction effects of slender cylinders under wave attack, Proceedings 30th International Conference on Coastal Engineering (ICCE), ASCE, 3. September 2006
(2006): Einfluss von Entlastungspoldern auf die Wasserstände bei Sturmfluten und extremen Hochwässern in Ästuaren, Internationale Konferenz 'Strategien und Instrumente zur Verbesserung des vorbeugenden Hochwasserschutzes', Tangermünde, 23. bis 25. November 2006
(2006): Risikosteuerung bei Hochwässern in Tideflüssen, 3. Internationale Fachmesse für Hochwasserschutz, Klimafolgen und Katastrophenmanagement, Acqua Alta 2006, Hamburg, 13. September 2006 More info
(2006): Hydrodynamisch-numerische Simulation von Niederschlag und Abfluss und Maßnahmen zur Reduktion von Hochwässern in tidebeeinflussten Gewässern am Beispiel des Hochwasserschutzplans Wümme, Symposium zur Analyse und Modellierung der Niederschlags - Abfluss - Prozesse,Bewährte Techniken und neue Ansätze, Technische Universität Dresden, 5. Oktober 2006
(2005): Dämpfung der Wellenunruhe im Hafen Borkum, Tagungsband 5. FZK-Kolloquium Seegang, Küstenschutz und Offshorebauwerke, Hannover
(2005): Time-variant net-mass transport beneath breaking waves, Proc. 29th Intern. Conference on Coastal Engineering (ICCE2004), Amer. Soc. of Civil Eng. (ASCE), Vol. 1, pp. 441-453
(2005): Ermittlung der Höhen der Inseldeiche Juist und Wangerooge, Tagungsband 5. FZK-Kolloquium Seegang, Küstenschutz und Offshorebauwerke, Hannover
(2005): Influence of Spectral Shape on Wave Parameters and Design Methods in Time Domain, 5th Intern. Symposium on Ocean Wave Measurement and Analysis, Madrid, Spain
(2005): Fault Assessment of Flood Protecting Dikes with Remote Sensing, Proceedings of the Int. Conf. on Solutions to Coastal Disasters, S. 555-565, Charlston, USA, 8. Mai 2005
(2004): Influence of Spectral Density Distribution on Wave Parameters and Simulation in Time Domain, 2nd Chinese-German Joint Symposium on Coastal and Ocean Engineering, Nanjing, China
(2004): Combined Influence of Berms and Wave Direction on Wave Run-up, Proc. 29th Intern. Conf. on Coastal Engineering, Lisbon
(2004): Risikoanalyse - ein Element des Küstenzonenmanagements, 22. AMK-Jahrestagung, Coastline Reports, Heft 1,137-147, Warnemünde, 29. April 2004 | File |
(2004): Numerical Wave Modelling Based on Curvilinear Element Meshes, Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Environmental Hydraulics ISEH, Hong Kong
(2004): Meshing Bathymetries for Numerical Wave Modelling, Proceedings of the 6th Int. Conf. on Hydroinformatics, Singapore
(2004): Änderung des Sturmflutrisikos der niedersächsischen Küste bei Klimawandel, Proceedings des HTG-Workshops 'Klimaänderung und Küstenschutz', S. 281-290, Hamburg
(2004): Information Network for Intermodal Transport Chains on Inland Waterways, Ports 2004 Conference, Port Development in the Changing World, 23 - 26 May, Houston | File |
(2004): Nonlinearity in Irregular Waves from Linear LAGRANGEian Superposition, Proc. 29th Intern. Conf. on Coastal Engineering, Lisbon
(2003): Visualization of ADCP Measurements and 3D Numerical Model Results, IAHR Congress, Thessaloniki, Greece, 24. August 2003 | File |
(2003): Untersuchungen verschiedener Einflussgrößen auf die berührungslose Seeagngsmessung mit Radar, 4. FZK-Kolloquium, Hannover, 20. März 2003 | File |
(2003): Belastung schlanker Zylinder durch brechende Wellen - Analyseverfahren zur Bestimmung des dynamischen Kraftanteils, 4. FZK-Kolloquium, Hannover, 20. März 2003 | File |
(2003): Generation of Regular Meshes for Numerical Wave Modelling, Proceedings of the IAHR Congress, S. D 223 - D 230, Thessaloniki
(2003): KRIM: Probabilistic Risk Analysis of Coastal Defences, Proceedings of the Status Seminar on DEKLIM, S. 276-277, Bad Münstereifel, 6. Oktober 2003 | File |
(2003): Verfahren zur Berechnung der Schäden nach Deichbruch an der niedersächsischen Küste, Tagungsband der 21. Jahrestagung des Arbeitskreises 'Geographie der Meere und Küsten (AMK), S. 169 -178, Essen
(2003): Hazard Analysis for the Coastal Zone, Proceedings of the IAHR Congress, S. A473 - A 480, Thessaloniki
(2003): Die Funktion von Sommerpoldern aus der Sicht des Küstenschutzes, Bremer Beiträge für Naturkunde und Umweltschutz, Bd. 6, S. 19 - 23
(2003): Risk Analysis - Tool for Integrated Coastal Planning, Proceedings of the 6th Int. Conf. on Coastal and Port Engineering in Developing Countries COPEDEC, CD-ROM, Colombo
(2003): Importance of Forelands and Summer Dikes for Coastal Safety, Proceedings of the 3rd Int. Conf. Port Development & Coastal Environment (PDCE), S. 119 - 128, Varna
(2003): Vulnerabilität des Küstenhinterlandes an Jade und Weser bei Klimaänderung, Tagungsband des 4. FZK-Kolloquiums 'Küsten - Morphodynamik und Küstenschutzwerke', S. 75 - 79, Hannover
(2003): Effects of a current deflection wall in a tidal harbour entrance, Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Coastal and Port Engineering in Developing Countries (COPEDEC VI), Colombo, Sri Lanka, 15. September 2003 | File |
(2003): Logistical Data Platforms using RIS Information - Requirements and Basic Concepts, European Inland Waterway Navigation Conference, June 2003, Györ, Hungary, 11. Juni 2003 | File |
(2003): Wellenauflauf an Deichen bei schrägem Wellenanlauf, Tagungsband 4. FZK-Kolloquium Küsten-Morphodynamik und Küstenschutzwerke, Hannover
(2003): Wave Transformation at Artificial Reefs described by the Hilbert-Huang Transformation, Proceedings 28th Intern. Conference on Coastal Engineering (ICCE2002), American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), Vol. 2, pp. 1791-1803
(2003): Visualization of deep-water breaking waves using a High-Speed Camera, Proceedings 6th Intern. Conference on Coastal and Port Engineering in Developing Countries (COPEDEC2003)
(2003): Probabilistic Description of Wave Forces on Pipelines Normal to Shoreline Near a Sloping Boundary, Conference on Coastal and Port Engineering in Developing Countries (COPEDEC2003)
(2003): Run-up of Oblique Waves on Sloped Structures, 6th Intern. Conference on Coastal & Port Engineering in Developing Countries (COPEDEC VI), Colombo
(2003): 3D-Strömungen und Sedimenttransport in tide- und brackwasserbeeinflussten Häfen, Tagungsband, 4. FZK-Kolloquium 'Küsten - Morphodynamik und Küstenschutzwerke', Hannover, 20. März 2003 | File |
(2003): Underwater structures against sedimentation at a ship berth in a tidal river, Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Coastal and Port Engineering in Developing Countries (COPEDEC VI), Colombo, Sri Lanka, 15. September 2003 | File |
(2002): Wave Transmission at Rubble Mound Structures, Proceedings of the 1st German - Chinese Joint 2002 Symposium on Coastal and Ocean Engineering, Rostock, 10. April 2002 | File |
(2002): Breaking wave characteristics for the loading of a slender pile, Proceedings of the 28th Int. Conf. on Coastal Engineering (ICCE), Cardiff, UK | File |
(2002): Safety of Nuclear Power Plants against Flooding, Proceedings of the 6th Int. Conf. Littoral 2002,The Changing Coast, Porto, Portugal, 23. September 2002 | File |
(2002): Risk Analysis within Integrated Coastal Zone Management, Proceedings of the SRA Europe Conf. - 2002 Annual Meeting, Berlin | File |
(2002): Vulnerabilität der Hansestadt Bremen infolge von Sturmfluten, Tagungsband des zur 20. AMK-Tagung, Kiel
(2002): Risk Analysis within Coastal Zone Management, Proceedings of the Int. Symposium 'Low-Lying Coastal Areas: Hydrology and Integrated Coastal Zone Magement' within IHP/OHP, Bremerhaven | File |
(2002): Wave Transmission over Natural and Artificial Forelands, Proceedings of the 12th Int. Conf. Offshore and Polar Engineering Conf., Kitakyushu, Japan | File |
(2002): A Decision Support System for an Optimal Design of Sea Dikes with Respect to Risk, Proceedings of the 5th Int. Conf. on Hydroinformatics, Cardiff, United Kingdom | File |
(2002): Diked Forelands and their Importance in Coastal Zone Management, Proceedings of the Hydro 2002 Conference, Kiel | File |
(2002): Nearshore Resonant Modes of the Adreanov Tsunami, Proceedings 6th World Multiconference on Systematics, Cybernetics and Informatics (SCI2002), Vol. XIV, pp. 299-303
(2002): Extrapolating Rating Curves by Numerical Modeling, Proceedings 5th Intern. Conference on Hydroscience & Engineering (ICHE2002), pp. 711-724
(2002): Characteristic Modes of the 'Adreanov Tsunami' based on the Hilbert-Huang Transformation, Proceedings 4th Intern. Symposium on Ocean Wave Measurement and Analysis (WAVES2001), American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), Vol. 2, pp. 1525-1534
(2002): Seeping Flow in the Unsaturated Soil Zone to adjust a Fibre Optic Temperature Measurement System in a Dam, Proceedings 5th Intern. Conference on Hydroscience & Engineering} (ICHE2002), pp. 567-575
(2002): Calculations on the Amount of Drainage Water in a Dam from long-term Hydrological Databases, Proceedings 5th Intern. Conference on Hydroscience & Engineering (ICHE2002), pp. 576-588
(2001): Wave Transmission at Rubble Mound Structures, Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Ocean Wave Measurement and Analysis, San Francisco
(2001): Wave Transmission at Submerged Breakwaters, Proceedings of the 4th Int. Symposium on Ocean Wave Measurement and Analysis, San Francisco, USA, 3. September 2001 | File |
(2001): MIKE21/MIKE3 for Modeling Hydrodynamics in a Brakish Tidal Environment, 4th DHI Software Conference, Helsingoer, Denmark, Juni 2001
(2001): Modeling Hydrodynamics around Ships on restricted Waters using Moving Meshes, 22nd International Conference on Hydrodynamics and Aerodynamics in Marine Engineering, Varna, Bulgaria, Oktober 2001
(2001): Bauwerks- und Seegangsinformationssystem BaSIS, Tagungsband zum 16. Deutschen Hydrographentag, VI/B/1 - 15, Potsdam | File |
(2001): Sturmflutrisiko im Küstenraum - ein Entscheidungskriterium in der Raumplanung, Tagungsband des 2. Forums Katastrophenvorsorge 'Extreme Naturgefahren', Leipzig | File |
(2001): Flood Risk in Coastal Regions, Proceedings of the 22nd Int. Conf. on Hydrodynamics and Aerodynamics in Marine Engineering HADMAR, Varna, Bulgaria | File |
(2001): Elemente der Risikoananalyse im Küstenraum, Tagungsband zum 31. Wasserbau-Symposium Aachen IWASA (in Vorbereitung) | File |
(2001): Wave Load and Wave Propagation over Forelands, Proceedings of the Int. Conf. of Coastal Engineering, S. 205 - 213, Rhodes, Greece | File |
(2001): Berührungslose Seegangsmessung mit Radar, Proceedings zum 3. FZK-Kolloquium 'Planung und Auslegung von Anlagen im Küstenraum', Hannover | File |
(2001): A Storm Surge Management System for the German Coast, World Water & Environmental Resources Congress (EWRI), Orlando, Florida (USA) | File |
(2001): BaSIS - Ein Werkzeug zur Bewertung von Küstenschutzmaßnahmen, Proceedings zum 3. FZK-Kolloquium Planung und Auslegung von Anlagen im Küstenraum, Hannover | File |
(2001): Modeling 'Ship - Cross Current Interaction' at Outlets in 3D, 22nd International Conference on Hydrodynamics and Aerodynamics in Marine Engineering, Varna, Bulgaria, Oktober 2001
(2001): GIS-Applications in River Basin Management, 1st Chinese-Japanese-German Symposium on International River Basin Management, Hannover
(2001): Combined Physical and Numerical Modeling of an Artificial Coastal Reef, 22nd International Conference on Hydrodynamics and Aerodynamics in Marine Engineering, Varna, Bulgaria, Oktober 2001 | File |
(2001): Mesh Generation for RMA2/FESWMS based on B-Spline Surfaces, Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on Environmental Hydraulics, Tempe, Arizona, USA, Dezember 2001 | File |
(2001): WABIS - An Information and Operating System for Inland Waterways, 2nd European Inland Waterway Navigation Conference, Budapest, Hungaria, Juni 2001 | File |
(2001): BIDIS - A Workflow Management System for Inland Terminals, 2nd European Inland Waterway Navigation Conference, Budapest, Hungaria, Juni 2001 | File |
(2001): Einfluss der Wellenangriffsrichtung auf Wellenauflauf und Wellenüberlauf, Tagungsband des 3. FZK-Kolloquium, Planung und Auslegung von Anlagen im Küstenraum, Hannover, 29. März 2001
(2001): Spectral Frequency Analysis of Nonlinear Water Waves derived from the Hilbert-Huang Transformation, Proceedings 20th Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering Conference (OMAE2001), Vol.: Safety & Reliability, S&R 2166
(2001): Calculations of Discharge by using the Water Surface Slope under Free Flow Conditions, Proceedings 28th Congress of Intern. Assosociation for Hydraulic Research (IAHR2001), Vol. D, pp. 179-182
(2001): Whole field velocity mapping in waves, Proceedings International Conference in Ocean Engineering (ICOE2001), Vol. 2: Marine Hydrodynamics, pp. 95-102
(2001): Reduktion der Sedimentation in Hafenzufahrten von Tidehäfen - Anwendungsbeispiel Bremen, 3. FZK-Kolloquium 'Planung und Auslegung im Küstenraum', Hannover, 29. März 2001 | File |
(2001): Securing Manoeuverability of a Deep Draft Ship in a Sediment loaded Tidal River Berth, Proceedings of the 5th Conference on Computer Modelling of Seas and Coastal Regions, Rhodos, Greece, September 2001 | File |
(2000): Risk Assessment of Coastal Defences - An Application at German Tidal Inlets, Proceedings of the International Symposium on Flood Defence, Kassel | File |
(2000): Sturmflutschutz des Natur- und Wirtschaftsraumes zwischen Jade und Weser - eine Beurteilung der Deichsicherheit , Tagungsband der 16. Jahrestagung des Arbeitskreis Meere und Küsten (AMK), Bremer Beiträge zur Geographie und Raumplanung | File |
(2000): Internet-based Tools for Risk Assessment for Coastal Areas, Proceedings of the 4th Int. Conf. on Hydroinformatics, Iowa, USA | File |
(2000): Applicability of Wave Models over Forelands, Proceedings of the 4th Int. Conf. on Hydroinformatics, Iowa, USA | File |
(2000): Analysis of an Optimal Foreland Design, Proceedings of the 27th ICCE, Sydney, Australia | File |
(2000): Risk Analysis of Coastal Protections at Tidal Coasts, Proceedings of the 2nd Int. Conf. Port Development & Coastal Environment, PDCE, Varna, Bulgaria | File |
(2000): Feasibility Studies on a Planned Deep Water Port in Germany - Wave Load and Wave Overtopping at the Quay Structure, Proceedings of the 2nd Int. Conf. Port Development & Coastal Environment, PDCE, Varna, Bulgaria | File |
(2000): Applicability of Radar Level Gauges in Wave Monitoring, Proceedings of the 2nd Int. Conf. Port Development & Coastal Environment, PDCE, Varna, Bulgaria | File |
(2000): Sediment Transport Using the Random Walk Method on Top of CORBA, 4th International Conference on Hydroinformatics, Iowa City, USA, Juli 2000
(2000): Spatial Evolution of Laboratory Generated Freak Waves in Deep Water Depth, Proceedings 10th Annual Intern. Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference (ISOPE2000), Vol. III, pp. 54-59
(2000): Spectral Analysis of transient waves using Wavelet Spectra (Morlet) and Hilbert Spectra (EMD), Proceedings 4th Intern. Conference on Hydroscience & Engineering (ICHE2000), pp. 1113-1122
(2000): Sensitivity Analysis of Numerical Solving Techniques for Modeling Sediment Transport under Tidal Conditions, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Hydroinformatics, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, USA, Juli 2000 | File |
(2000): Management von Sturmflutrisiken, Internationales Symposium Dithmarschen 2000, Wasserwirtschaft und Küstenschutz, heute und morgen, Büsum | File |
(2000): Reduction of Harbor Sedimentation at a Tidal River, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Port Development and Coastal Environment, Varna, Bulgaria, Juni 2000 | File |
(1999): Overtopping at Vertical Structures, 2nd German-Chinese Joint Seminar on Recent Developments in Coastal Engineering - Sustainable Development in the Coastal Zone, Coastal Ocean Monitoring Center (COMC), National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, China, September 1999
(1999): Overtopping at Vertical Walls with Oblique Wave Approach , Proceedings of HYDRALAB - Workshop in Hannover
(1999): Overtopping at Vertical Walls with Oblique Wave Approach, 5th Intern. Conference on Coastal & Port Engineering in Developing Countries (COPEDEC V), Cape Town
(1999): B-Spline Surface Modelling with Adaptive de Boor Grids in Hydroinformatics, ISESS 1999, Dunedin, New Zealand
(1999): Restoration of Linear Passage for the Aquatic River Fauna - Physical Model Tests and Hydrodynamic 3D Flow Modeling Optimizing a Natural Shaped Fishway at the River Leine, Proceedings of the 1999 International Water Resources Engineering Conference, Seattle, USA | File |
(1999): Applicability of Wave Models in Shallow Coastal Waters , Proceedings of the 5th Int. Conf. on Coastal and Port Engineering in Developing Countries (COPEDEC), Cape Town, South Africa, 20. April 1999 | File |
(1999): Effectiveness of Forelands Reducing the Wave Loads on Dikes, Proceedings of the 2nd German-Chinese Joint Seminar on Recent Developments in Coastal Engineering, 13.-15. September 1999, Taiwan, S. 293-306 | File |
(1999): Interaction of Foreland Structures with Waves , XXVIII IAHR Congress, 22. - 27. August 1999, Graz | File |
(1999): Influence of extreme Events on Sedimentation Processes in Ditches enclosed by Brushwood Fences , Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Coastal and Port Engineering in Developing Countries (COPEDEC V), Cape Town, South Africa, Vol. 3 , S. 1805-1814, April 1999 | File |
(1999): Conception of Breakwaters with Active Force Dissipation by Hydraulic Jets, Proceedings Hydralab workshop, pp. 295-395
(1999): Sluice Gate Efficiency on the Headwaterlevel of a Flood Control Reservoir by Physical and Numerical Modeling, Proceedings 28th Congress of Intern. Assosociation for Hydraulic Research (IAHR1999), Vol. 1, pp. 372-377
(1999): Spatial and Time-dependent Evolution of Extreme Waves in Intermediate and Deep Water Depths, Proceedings Hydralab workshop, pp. 227-237
(1999): Freak Wave Simulation, Proceedings 2nd German-Chinese Joint Seminar on Recent Developments in Coastal Engineering, Vol. 1, pp. 65-77
(1999): Multifunctional wave absorbing breakwaters with extreme force dissipation, Proceedings 5th Intern. Conference on Coastal and Port Engineering in Developing Countries (COPEDEC1999), Vol. 3, pp. 2231
(1999): Lahnungen im Küstenvorfeld, Tagungsband zur BWK-Tagung am 24. März 1999, Rendsburg
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(1999): Hydraulic and Environmental Impact of High Speed Cargo Ships on Inland Waterways, Proceedings of the 1st European Inland Navigation Waterway Conference (EIWN 1999), Balatonfüred, Hungary | File |
(1998): The effect of the irregularity of waves for the design of coastal structures, 1st German-Chinese Joint Seminar on Recent Developments in Coastal Engineering, Hasenwinkel, Shaker Verlag, Aachen
(1998): Auswirkungen des Betriebs Schneller Binnenschiffe auf Leistungsfähigkeit und Sicherheit auf Binnenwasserstrassen - Erste Untersuchungsergebnisse, Proceedings: Verkehr auf Wasserstrassen mit Schnellen Schiffen, Hrgb: Franzius-Institut für Wasserbau und Küsteningenieurwesen, Universität Hannover, S. 56-71, Hannover
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(1998): Deposition of Cohesive Sediments under Waves, Proceedings of the 1998 International OTRC Symposium, Houston, Texas, S. 454-462, Mai 1998 | File |
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(1997): Safety Variation of Coastal Defense Systems, Proceedings of the 2nd Indian National Conference on Harbour and Ocean Engineering (INCHOE), Trivandrum, India, 1226-1235 | File |
(1997): Safety of Coastal Defense Systems - An Assessment of the Reliability of Coastal Systems in the Event of Rising Water Levels due to Climate Change, Proceedings of the 1st International Conference Port - Coast - Environment, Varna, Bulgaria, 111-120 | File |
(1997): Optimsed Design of Land Reclamation Fields for Sustainable Foreland Development, Proceedings of the 1st German-Chinese Joint Seminar on Recent Developments in Coastal Engineering, Rostock, S. 51-66, September 1997 | File |
(1997): Foreland Stabilisation by Brushwood Fences as a Sustainable Natural Method, Proceedings of the 1st German-Chinese Joint Seminar on Recent Developments in Coastal Engineering, Rostock, S. 51-65, September 1997
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(1996): Groundwater Modeling using the Random-Walk Method on Top of distributed object oriented Systems, 2nd International Symposium on Environmental Software Systems, ISESS 1997, Whistler, British Columbia, Kanada
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(2016): Assessing the Application Potential of Selected Ecosystem-Based, Low-Regret Coastal Protection Measures, In: Renaud, F; Sudmeier-Rieux, K.; Estrella, M.; Nehren, U. (Eds.); Ecosystem-Based Disaster Risk Reduction and Adaptation in Practice. Springer International Publishing Switzerland. ISBN: 978-3-319-43631-9, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-43633-3_20 More info
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(2013): Ganzheitliches Dimensionierungskonzept für OWEA-Tragstrukturen anhand von Messungen im Offshore-Testfeld alpha ventus - Kapitel 4: Lastmodelle, ISBN: 978-3-8440-1762-5, ISSN: 0945-067X, Shaker Verlag, Aachen
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(2013): Ganzheitliches Dimensionierungskonzept für OWEA-Tragstrukturen anhand von Messungen im Offshore-Testfeld alpha ventus - Kapitel 8: Kolkphänomene und Kolkschutzsysteme, Rolfes, R.; Schaumann, P. (Hrsg.), ISBN: 978-3-8440-1762-5, ISSN: 0945-067X, Shaker Verlag, Aachen
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