Ludwig-Franzius-Institute Research Forschungsprojekte
COMPRIS - Consortium Operational Management Platform River Information Services

COMPRIS - Consortium Operational Management Platform River Information Services

Led by:  Univ. Prof. Dr.-Ing. Claus Zimmermann
Team:  Dipl.-Ing. Mark Stocksmeyer, Dr.-Ing. Andreas Matheja
Year:  2002
Date:  01-01-70
Funding:  European Commission
Duration:  01.09.2002 - 31.08.2005
Is Finished:  yes
Further information fileadmin/institut/doku/Projekte_Material/compris_flyer.pdf

Main goal of COMPRIS is to setup an harmonized environment for a European concept, introduction and operation of RIS during the next 5 years. A 'Logistical Data Platform' (LDP) will be introduced to have a messaging and application server to collect data from different RIS and to distribute it upon request.. Link